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Tryouts January 2025

Mayhem Basketball is excited to announce that our tryouts for Mayhem Premier will take place in late January of 2025. With only 40 spots available each season, we encourage all interested players to bring their A-game. This season, we have 11 roster spots available for both boys teams, with 9 returning players. Premier girls have 12 spots available for both girls teams with 8 returning players. For those not pursuing college basketball, we invite you to consider Mayhem Preview. 

I made the team.  What happens next?

Below you will find the blueprint to Mayhem Premier's success.  We take pride in our dedication to player development. Our comprehensive training program focuses on skill-building, strength, health, strategic play, and much more. The end goal here is college basketball. We educate our parents and players on the inner workings of college scholarships and how to obtain them.

Our commitment to excellence has resulted in numerous program offers extended to our 2024 teams, with a total of 65 offers received, 4 signed, and 3 of our 2025's signing during the early recruiting period.

NCAA Registration

High school students seeking to compete on the varsity level at college need to register with the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

​Athletes need to be certified by the NCAA Eligibility Center to compete at an NCAA Division I or II school.

​​Athletes seeking to compete on the Division III level or unsure of where they wish to compete can still create a profile. The athlete will receive an NCAA ID and will received important reminders while completing in high school.


Mayhem Premier players must register with the NCAA before conditioning has finished.  This ensures they will be eligible to attend the college evaluation periods.


March 2025

Practice Begins

As we approach March, we will commence basketball practices and limit conditioning to once a week or as needed. Practice will be twice a week on either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday schedule.  Once we reach our agreed upon goal for conditioning we will stop and redirect players to the next phase of our program.  Our Performance Camp.


Practice was designed to imitate college practices.

We make the college transition easy.

Premier teams are supported by dedicated team managers, athletic trainers, and coaches who record practices, assist in drills, stat tracking, and more. The purpose here is threefold; to track individual and team stats for improvement, to make data-driven decisions, and to give access to college coaches. We make all practice videos accessible to every college in the country, ensuring our players receive maximum exposure and opportunities.


Offensive Actions

College basketball programs rely heavily on offensive actions, which typically involve coordinated movements between two or three players. These actions include techniques such as a dribble handoff into a ball screen, also known as a pistol's action. Mastering these actions put players ahead when they arrive at Day 1 of college.

They are used in all college programs

Individual Workouts

We take individual player development seriously. Every practice includes a 20 minute session dedicated to working on individual workouts assigned by our head coach. These workouts are specifically designed to improve skills within Premier's offense, ensuring that our players understand.

Improves player understanding


Conditioning is just the beginning of a successful basketball player's journey. Once each player has achieved a passing grade in conditioning we switch focus to speed and agility training. The secret to unlocking a player's full potential is to build muscle without sacrificing speed. With our training program, players can confidently improve their performance without sacrificing speed.

It's not about how far you can run...

Film Study

Players are provided with regular film sessions to help them improve their performance and identify areas for growth. This approach fosters humility and allows for objective evaluation of their skills. By utilizing film, players can make data-driven decisions to enhance their efficiency and overall performance.

We use film regularly to teach

Health & Nutrition

From day 1 in college nutrition matters...

We believe that proper nutrition is key to achieving peak performance. That's why we offer our players access to certified dietician who can provide personalized meal plans to help them with their fitness goals. Whether looking to lean down or gain muscle mass, our nutrition strategies can help you get to college. Strength and nutrition go hand in hand when it comes to achieving success on the court. ALL OF OUR HEALTH AND NUTRITION IS SUPERVISED BY A CERTIFIED NUTRITIONIST.


From day 1 in college lifting matters...

Strength training is an essential part of any athlete's routine, and proper lifting techniques are crucial to prevent injuries and maximize results. Coaches often assign lifting workouts that players must execute outside of practice and conditioning. As a professional resource, we provide guidance and support to help players get stronger and achieve their goals. ALL OF OUR WEIGHTLIFTING IS SUPERVISED BY A ISSA CERTIFIED ELITE PERSONAL TRAINER.

Community Service

At Mayhem Basketball, we are proud to make community service a mandatory part of our program. We firmly believe in the power of giving back and the positive impact it has on our players. Our players are required to participate in community service work at least one to two times a season.  Always looking for new ideas for community service.


Tarrant Area Food Bank

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